
班级心理健康教育 class-based mental health education英语短句 例句大全

2024-03-06 分类:综合

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班级心理健康教育,class-based mental health education

1)class-based mental health education班级心理健康教育

1.Construction ofclass-based mental health education pattern helps to spread mental health education in school and enlarge its educational scale.班级心理健康教育模式的提出,有助于推广学校心理健康教育工作,扩大其教育规模;有助于提升学校心理健康教育的目标;有助于形成与现代班级授课制相协调的学校心理健康教育组织管理系统。


1.A discussion of the basic features of educational pattern of the class mental health论班级心理健康教育模式的基本特征

2.On the Infiltration of the Psychologically Healthy Education in the University s Class and Grade Management;论心理健康教育在高校班级管理工作中的渗透

3.Existing Problems in Conducting Class Psychological Health Education and Counter-measures;班级管理中实施心理健康教育存在的问题及对策

4.How Do Head Teachers to Carry out Mental Health Education for Middle School Students;班主任开展学生心理健康教育的思考

5.A teacher in charge of a class should be educational worker of students mental health;班主任应成为学生心理健康的教育者

6.Enhance the Headteacher s Self cultivation ofPsychological Quality and Improve theActual Effects of the Educationof the Students Mental Health;班主任心理素质修养与学生心理健康教育

7.New Characters of University Supervisors --A Guilding Teacher for University Students Psychological Health;高校班主任应是学生心理健康教育的指导教师

8.The Education of Mental Health Should be the First Work of Head Teachers in College心理健康教育应成为高校班主任的首要工作

9.Teacher of the Secondary Mental Health Education to Achieve the Meaning of;班主任对中学生心理健康教育实现的意义探析

10.The Research on Mental Health Education for Students with Mental Retardation Learning in Regular Classroom;随班就读智力落后学生心理健康教育问题研究

11.Practising the Permeation Mental Health Education of Primary School Headteachers;小学班主任实施渗透式心理健康教育初探

12.The effect of same class teaching of physical education class on the mental health of deaf college students;体育课同班教学对失聪大学生心理健康的影响

13.Junior High School Teacher in the Implementation of the Work of Mental Health Education Strategy初中班主任工作中实施心理健康教育策略研究

14.The Analysis of Head Teacher Carrying Out Mental Health Education班主任实施心理健康教育现状和对策探析

15.How to Carry out the Students" Mental Heathy Education for the Class Teacher in College高校班主任如何开展学生心理健康教育

16.On the Sport Health and Mental Health Education of College Students;浅谈大学生体育健康与心理健康教育

17.Mental Health Education in the Course of Physical Education(and Health);体育与(健康)课程中的心理健康教育

18."Sophomore Phenomenon":A New Perspective to Mental Health Education of Poor University Students;“二年级现象:”贫困大学生心理健康教育的新视角


Mental health education心理健康教育

1.Positive Psychology——A New Perspective Of College Student s Mental Health Education;积极心理学——高校心理健康教育的新视角

2.Enhancing the mental health education, to promote the college s ide ological and political work;加强心理健康教育,促进高校思想政治工作

3.Group Development Mental Health Education for students of Teachers Training School with Severe Psychological Troubles, an Experimental Study;对重度不适感的大学生进行团体发展性心理健康教育研究

3)Psychological health education心理健康教育

1.Research and practice of psychological health education of medical college;医学院校大学生心理健康教育的研究与实践

2.On the impact of the sport activities on university students psychological health education;论体育活动对大学生心理健康教育的影响

3.The content and way of psychological health education of middle-aged person;论中年心理健康教育的内容和途径

4)Psychological education心理健康教育

1.On students psychological education;浅谈学生的心理健康教育

2.The Current Situation of Psychological Education to College Students and the Counter-measures;试析大学生心理健康教育的现状与对策

5)Education of psychological health心理健康教育

1.Therefore,the education of psychological health has drawn increasing attention in college education.青年大学生中存在这样那样的心理问题,早已成为一个不争的事实,我国高校对大学生进行心理健康教育已越来越重视。

2.To further the work of education of psychological health of the middle school students.对贵州等5省的中学心理健康教育的状况的抽样调查结果表明,当下中学的心理健康教育的状况不容乐观,中学生的心理健康状况令人堪忧,要进一步搞好中学生的心理健康教育工作,应关注中学心理健康教育和中学生的心理健康的现状及其特点。

6)psychological healthy education心理健康教育

1.Onpsychological healthy education in Chinese colleges in the 21st century;纵观二十一世纪我国高校的心理健康教育

2.Gearing up moral education by meansofpsychological healthy education;以心理健康教育促德育工作

3.Research on the Function of Physical Psychological Healthy Education and Practice Strategies in Primary and Secondary Schools;中小学体育心理健康教育功能及其实践策略的研究



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