

2024-01-26 分类:随笔

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Meaning: a situation when someone is happy because they’re ignoring a problem or fail to realize its existence. 意义:表示这样的一种处境,某人因为忽视了某个问题或者没有意识到它的存在而非常开心。 He’s been living in fool’s paradise since he started trading stocks, expecting to make millions even though he doesn’t have investing experience. 自从他开始炒股之后,他一直生活在这样的幻想里,即使他没有投资经验,他也期待着赚上百万的钱。 表达难过 4. Be down in the dumps Meaning: to feel unhappy or without hope. 意义:没有希望非常难过 I always feel down in the dumps when I go back to work after a long weekend. 周末过去,当我回去上班我就觉得很难过。 5. Be at the end of your rope (American); Be at the end of your tether (British) Meaning: to feel very upset because you’re no longer able to deal with a difficult situation. 意义:很快就要面对一个非常困难的处境而非常沮丧 Helen is at the end of her rope after looking for a job for months without any luck. 在几个月找工作无果之后,海伦非常难过。 6. Grief-stricken Meaning: extremely sad. 及其难过 After his partner died in a car accident, he was left grief-stricken. 他的伙伴在一起车祸中身亡,他极度悲伤。 Angry 表达生气 7. Bite someone’s head off Meaning: to respond with anger to someone. 以生气的态度回应某人 I just asked one question to confirm his request, and my boss bit my head 我只是就他的要求问了一个问题,我的老板就恼羞成怒了。 8. Black mood Meaning: to be irritable, angry or depressed. 气恼的,生气的,或者失望的 She’s scared to ask for a day off as her boss is in a black mood today. 她不敢请假,因为她的老板今天心情不好。 9. Drive up the wall Meaning: to annoy or irritate someone. 意义:使某人生气或者惹怒某人 His constant whining drove me up the wall, so I left. 他不断地惹怒我,所以我离开了。 Scared 表达恐惧 10. Have/get/feel butterflies in your stomach Meaning: to feel very nervous or excited about something that you have to do, especially something important. 意义:对必须要做的事感到非常紧张或者激动,尤其是重要的事。 I’m going to have the first meeting with a big client tomorrow, and I’m feeling butterflies in my stomach. 我今天将首次会见一个大客户,我觉得十分紧张。 11. Afraid of your own shadow Meaning: very easily frightened. 意义:很容易感到害怕 After reading “Dracula,” she became afraid of her own shadow. 读过吸血鬼后,她总是容易感到害怕。 12. Petrified of Meaning: extremely frightened, especially so that you cannot move or decide what to do. 意义:感到非常害怕,以至于不敢动或者无法决定做什么。 In the Harry Potter series, Ron Weasley is petrified of spiders. 在《哈利·波特》系列中,罗恩·韦斯莱十分害怕蜘蛛。 Confused 表达困惑 13. Feel out of it Meaning: to not feel in a state of one’s normal mind. 意义:不在正常的状态,格格不入 He just woke up from a night of heavy drinking and felt so out of it. 醉酒之后醒来,他觉得很困惑。 14. Puzzle over Meaning: to think carefully about someone or something for a long time and try to understand them. 意义:仔细地考虑某人或者某事很长一段时间试图去理解他们。 I puzzled over the assignment for a few days before I decided to ask my professor for clarification. 在我向老师请教之前,这个问题我考虑了很久。 15. Ambivalent about Meaning: feeling two different things about someone or something at the same time, for example, that you like them and dislike them. 意义:对于某人或者某事同时有两种看法,例如,你喜欢他们,同时你也讨厌他们。 He’s ambivalent about quitting his job to start his own business; he wants his freedom, but there are risks. 对于辞职创业这件事他犹豫不决,他想要自由但是这也有风险。 Advanced English phrases provide you with the flexibility to get your messages across and the chance to impress native speakers and potential employers. Start with these 15 expressions to let your family, friends, colleagues or even strangers know exactly how you feel. 高级的英语短语能够给你很大的灵活性,从而使你的消息被别人理解并且给你一个使本族语使用者印象深刻的机会。以这15个短语作为开始,使你的家人、朋友、同事甚至是陌生人确切地知道你到底感觉如何。 (编辑:何莹莹)


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  1. 2024-01-26 13:41echolin[辽宁省网友]
  2. 2024-01-26 13:28顺时针遗忘[安徽省网友]
  3. 2024-01-26 13:14M白梅傲雪[国外网友]
  4. 2024-01-26 13:00夢❤丨夜[河北省网友]