
初中英语中考词汇200句详解版(Day4):全面解析200个中考词汇 助力初中生英语备考

2024-02-07 分类:综合

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单词注释:n.→名词;v.→动词;vt.→及物动词; vi.→不及物动词

a.→形容词;ad.→副词;prep.→介词;conj.→连词;pron.→代词 aux.v.→情态动词;num.→数词;int.→叹词pl.→复数形式61.The football team got there ahead of time in order to be familiar with the bad weather and strange local food because they didn’t want to lose such an important match.那个足球队提前到了,为了熟悉那边的坏天气和奇怪的当地食物,因为他们不想输掉 重要的比赛。①team[ti:m] n.队,组 v.(up)(使)合作 team up with sb 与……合作/组队②ahead[əˈhed] ad.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前ahead of time 提前; 提早③familiar[fəˈmiliə] a.熟悉的,通晓的be familiar with 熟悉④weather[ˈweðə] n.天气,气象⑤strange[streindʒ] a.奇怪的,奇异的;陌生的,生疏的⑥local[ˈləukəl] a.地方性的,当地的;局部的 n.[ pl.]当地人⑦match[mætʃ] n.比赛;对手;匹配;火柴 v.相配,相称

62.The location of the library is far from their houses, but these boys are so keen on reading the history books that they are willing to spend the whole afternoon there every Sunday.图书馆离他们的房子很远,但是这些男孩太热衷于读历史书籍,以至于他们愿 意每周日花整个下午在那里。①location[ləuˈkeiʃən] n.位置,场所②library[ˈlaibrəri] n.图书馆,藏书室③far[fɑ:] ad.远,久远地;很,极;遥远地 a.遥远的far from 远离, 一点也不 far away 遥远④history[ˈhistəri] n.历史,史学,历史书⑤willing[ˈwiliŋ] a.愿意的,乐意的,心甘情愿的be willing to do sth 乐意做某事

63.It is not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music or watching the cartoons.在听音乐或者看卡通片的时候做作业对你来说是不好的。①listen[ˈlisən] vi.听;听从,听信 listen to … 听……②music[ˈmju:zik] n.音乐,乐曲③watch[wɔtʃ] v.观看;看守,照看;小心 n.表;看管④cartoon[kɑ:ˈtu:n] n.漫画,幽默画;动画片

64.Generally speaking, the class teacher is in charge of the class while the school is in the charge of the headmaster.一般来说,班主任管理一个班级,而学校是由校长管理的。①generally[ˈdʒenərəli] ad.一般地,通常;普遍地,广泛地generally speaking 一般而言②charge[tʃɑ:dʒ] n.费用;管理 vt.要价;指控 vi.收费in charge of … 管理,负责……in the charge of 由 ... 负责, 被 ... 主管③headmaster[ˌhedˈmɑ:stə] n.(中小学)校长

65.Because of the toothache, he hasn’t enjoyed the delicious dinner for several days so he has no choice but to ask the dentist for help.由于牙疼,他已经好几天没有好好享 受美味的餐点了,所以他别无选择只能去看牙医。①because of + n./doing (介词词组) 因为; 为了...缘故②toothache[ˈtu:θeik] n.牙痛③delicious[diˈliʃəs] a.美味的,芬芳的④dinner[ˈdinə] n.正餐,主餐;宴会⑤several[ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个⑥choice[tʃɔis] n.选择(权);供选择的东西⑦ask[ɑ:sk] vt.询问;请求;邀请 vi.(ask for)请求⑧dentist[ˈdentist] n.牙科医生

66. With the development of science and technology, researchers will get more and more knowledge about space and other planets.随着科技的发展,研究院将获得越来越 多的有关太空和其他星球的知识。①with[wið] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着②development[diˈveləpmənt] n.生长,发展;新情况;研制③technology[tekˈnɔlədʒi] n.工艺,技术④researcher[riˈsə:tʃə] n.研究者,调查者,探索者⑤space[speis] n.空地;空间⑥other[ˈʌðə] a.别的;其余的 pron.另一个人(或物)⑦planet[ˈplænit] n.行星

67. The film “Avatar” is too popular to get a ticket.The film “Avatar” is so popular that it is hard to get a ticket.It is hard to get a ticket of the film” Avatar”.How hard it is to get a ticket of the film “Avatar”!What a popular film “Avatar” is!①popular[ˈpɔpjulə] a.流行的,通俗的,大众的;广受欢迎的②ticket[ˈtikit] n.票,车票;罚款传票③hard[ˈhɑ:d] ad./ a.努力地(的);艰难地(的);猛烈地(的)④感叹句:How+形容词/副词+特指主语+谓语!What+(a/an)+形容词/副词+名词+(主语+谓语)!

68.The top student was too nervous about the exam to review her lessons and sleep well and in the end she didn't get a satisfying score.那个优秀学生对于那个考试太紧张了,以至于没有复习好,也没有睡好觉,最后没有得到令人满意的成绩。①top[tɔp] n.顶;上部 a.最高的②nervous[ˈnə:vəs] a.神经紧张的③review[riˈvju:] n./vt.审查,回顾;复习;评论④lesson[ˈlesən] n.(功)课;一堂(节)课[ pl.]课程;教训⑤end[end] n.末尾;尽头;终止;结果 v.结束,终止in the end 最后; 终于⑥satisfying['sætɪsfaɪɪŋ] adj.令人满足的; 令人满意的⑦score[skɔ:] n.得分;刻痕;二十 v.得(分)

69.Though both China and Japan are located in the east Asia, there are still a lot of differences in culture and traditional custom.尽管中国和日本都坐落在东亚,但是文化 和传统习俗上仍有很多不同之处。①Japan[dʒəˈpæn] n.日本②locate[ləuˈkeit] vt.探明(……的位置);把…设置在,使坐落于be located in/at … 坐落于……③east[i:st] n.东(方,部) a.东方(部)的 ad.向东方④Asia[ˈeiʃə] n.亚洲⑤difference[ˈdifrəns] n.差别,差异⑥traditional[trəˈdiʃənəl] a.传统的,习惯的⑦custom[ˈkʌstəm] n.习惯,风俗,惯例;[ pl.]海关,关税

70. This brave wounded fireman deserved the praise because he was not frightened by the danger of fire and saved all the citizens from the burning building.这个勇敢的 受伤的消防员值得表扬,因为他不害怕活在的危险,从那个着火的大楼里救出了所有的市民。①brave[breiv] a.勇敢的,无畏的②wounded['wound·ed || wuːndɪd] n.受伤者; 伤兵 adj.受伤的③fireman[ˈfaiəmən] n.消防队员④deserve[diˈzə:v] vt.应受,应得,值得⑤praise[preiz] v./ n.赞扬,表扬,称赞,赞美(的话)⑥frighten[ˈfraitn] vt.使惊恐,吓唬frightened['fraɪtnd] adj.受惊的; 受恐吓的⑦danger[ˈdeindʒə] n.危险;危险事物,威胁⑧fire[ˈfaiə] n.火;火灾;射击 v.放(枪等);解雇⑨save[seiv] vt.救;节省;保存 vi.储蓄 prep.除…之外⑩citizen[ˈsitizən] n.公民,市民(11)burning['bɜːnɪŋ] n.燃烧 adj.燃烧的, 着火的(12)building[ˈbildiŋ] n.建筑物,房屋;建筑

71. The math teacher begins to be interested in this smart little kid for he can calculate even faster than a computer but never makes any mistakes though he is not good at expressing himself.数学老师开始对这个聪明的小男孩感兴趣,因为他能比计 算机更快的计算而且不犯任何错误,虽然他并不擅长表达他自己。①math[mæθ] n.数学②begin[biˈgin] v.开始③smart[smɑ:t] a.漂亮的;聪明的;厉害的,剧烈的④kid[kid] n.小孩,年轻人 v.戏弄,开玩笑⑤calculate[ˈkælkjuleit] vt.计算,核算;估计,推测⑥fast[fɑ:st] a.快的,迅速的 ad.快,迅速地⑦than[ðæn] conj.比⑧never[ˈnevə] ad.从不,永不;决不⑨mistake[misˈteik] n.错误,过失 vt.误解,弄错;误认为⑩express[ikˈspres] vt.表示;快运 n.快车(运)(11)be good at sth/doing sth 擅长做……

72. It is ordered that if the driver has drunk some wine, he or she is not allowed to drive the car in case the traffic accident takes place.根据命令,如果驾驶员喝了一些酒, 他是不准开车的,以免发生交通事故。①order[ˈɔ:də] n.顺序;定购;秩序;命令 vt.命令;定购②driver[ˈdraivə] n.驾驶员,司机③wine[wain] n.(葡萄)酒④allow[əˈlau] vt.允许(…进入);同意给;承认⑤case[keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱in case 万一⑥take place 发生,进行,举行

73. The survey shows that greenhouse gas is harmful to the earth but until now we haven’t the perfect method to solve the problem.调查表明,能引起温室效应的气体 是对地球有害的,但是知道现在,我们还没有最好的办法解决这个问题。①survey[ˈsə:vei] n./ vt.调查;测勘;全面审视②show[ʃəu] v./ n.表明;出示;演出,放映③greenhouse[ˈgri:nhaus] n.温室,暖房④gas[gæs] n.气体;煤气;汽油⑤harmful[ˈhɑ:mful] a.有害的⑥perfect[ˈpə:fikt] a.完美的⑦method[ˈmeθəd] n.方法,办法⑧solve[sɔlv] vt.解决,解答⑨problem[ˈprɔbləm] n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题

74. There are 12 months in one year—January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December, and it is rather difficult for many English learners to learn them by heart.一年中有 12个月 ---一月,二月...,对许 多学英语者来说,记住它们是相当难的。①January[ˈdʒænjuəri] n.一月②February[ˈfebruəri] n.二月③March[mɑ:tʃ] n.三月④April[ˈeiprəl] n.四月⑤May[mei] n.五月⑥June[dʒu:n] n.六月⑦July[dʒu(:)ˈlai] n.七月⑧August[ˈɔ:gəst] n.八月⑨September[səpˈtembə] n.九月⑩October[ɔkˈtəubə] n.十月(11)November[nəuˈvembə] n.十一月(12)December[diˈsembə] n.十二月(13)rather[ˈrɑ:ðə] ad.相当,颇有点儿(14)many[ˈmeni] a.许多的,多的(15)learner[ˈlə:nə] n.学习者(16)learn[lə:n] v.学,学习;得知,了解,学会;认识到(17)by heart 牢记, 凭记忆, 熟记

75. During the concert, it is not polite to use the camera with the flash or often move in front of their audiences, and it is even rude to communicate with your friends.在听音乐会的时候,用闪光灯拍照和在观众前面不停的走动都是不礼貌的,如果和你 的朋友交流更是粗鲁的表现。①concert[ˈkɔnsət] n.音乐会,演奏会②polite[pəˈlait] a.有礼貌的,客气的;有教养的③use[ju:z, ju:s] vt.用;耗费,利用 n.使用,应用;用途④camera[ˈkæmərə] n.照相机,摄影机,摄像机⑤flash[flæʃ] vi.闪光;掠过 n.闪光(烁,现);闪光灯⑥move[mu:v] v.搬;动摇;感动 n.动作;移动,搬家⑦in front of 在...前面⑧audience[ˈɔ:diəns] n.听众,观众,读者⑨rude[ru:d] a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的⑩communicate[kəˈmju:nikeit] vi.交流,通讯;连接 vt.传达,传播

76. He just moved to the new senior high school so the class teacher asked him to introduce himself to the whole class and arranged his seat beside the monitor.他刚刚 转到一个新的高中,因此他的班主任要求他把自己介绍给全班,然后把他的座位安排到班长的 旁边。①just[dʒʌst] ad.正好;只是;刚才②senior['si:njə] adj.地位较高的, 高级的, 年长的③introduce[ˈintrəˈdju:s] vt.介绍;引进,传入④arrange[əˈreindʒ] v.安排,准备,筹划;整理,排列,布置⑤seat[si:t] n.座位;场所;席位 vt.使坐下

77. The soldier is strong enough to lift this heavy bag.士兵足够强壮能够提起这个重包。①strong[strɔŋ] a.强壮的;牢固的;坚强的;强烈的②enough[iˈnʌf] ad.足够地,充分地;相当 a.足够的③lift[lift] vt.提,举

78. The waiter brought a menu to me and suggested that I should taste the new meal and tell him my opinion about it.服务员拿了一本菜单给我,然后建议我品尝一下新的菜式, 之后告诉他我的意见。①waiter[ˈweitə] n.(男)侍者,(男)服务员②menu[ˈmenju:] n.菜单③suggest[səˈdʒest] vt.建议,提议;暗示④taste[teist] n.滋味;鉴赏力;爱好 vt.品尝 vi.有…味道⑤meal[mi:l] n.膳食,一餐,一顿(饭)⑥opinion[əˈpinjən] n.意见,看法,主张

79. When his wife began to decorate the bedroom with some photos of their baby and some white roses, the husband has been brushing the sitting room with paint.当他妻子开始用他们宝贝的照片和白色玫瑰装饰卧室时,丈夫已经在用油漆刷客厅了。①wife[waif] n.妻子②decorate[ˈdekəreit] vt.装饰,装璜③bedroom[ˈbedrum] n.卧室④rose[rəuz] n.玫瑰,蔷薇⑤brush[brʌʃ] n.刷子 vt.刷⑥sitting room['sitiŋru:m] n.会客室, 起居室⑦paint[peint] n.油漆,涂料,颜料 v.油漆;绘(画)

80. Unluckily, the businessman felt so tired that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had left his luggage, speech material and expensive camera in the taxi.很不幸 的是,那个生意人感到如此的累以致于他很快就睡着了,并没有意识到他把行李,演讲的材料 以及贵重的照相机都落在了出租车上。①unluckily[ʌn'lʌkili] ad.不幸地, 不凑巧地②businessman['biznismæn] n. 商人③soon[su:n] ad.不久;快④without[wi'ðaut] prep.没有, 无⑤leave[li:v](left, left) v.出发;离开;留下 n.准假;许可;告辞⑥luggage[ˈlʌgidʒ] n.行李⑦speech[spi:tʃ] n.说话,演说;言语,言论⑧material[məˈtiəriəl] n.材(原;资)料 a.物质的⑨expensive[ikˈspensiv] a.昂贵的⑩taxi[ˈtæksi] n.出租汽车

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