

2023-06-26 分类:养生资讯

TIPS:本文共有 3834 个字,阅读大概需要 8 分钟。


During the summer, because of the hot weather, the water and nutrients in our body tend to evaporate and run off easily. Especially kids, because they exercise a lot, it's necessary to add nutrition like water, protein and all kinds of minerals.


So, is there a kind of soup that is nutritious but not greasy? Ta-da! Here, today, our chef is going to present an unique dish for us, called crucian soup with papaya, tomato and red dates. It tastes creamy and a little sweet, and has a lot of high protein in it.

主厨介绍 Chef introduction

蒋勇 | Tommy







Crucian meat is very tender and nutritious. There are 13 grams of protein and 11 grams of fat in every 100 grams of crucian meat, and also it has a lot of calcium, phosphor and iron in it. There is a comment to describe crucian in traditional Chinese medicine, mild in nature and sweet in taste. It's good for our stomach and kidney. Besides, it can balance the internal balance of our body.


The VC content in papaya take the lead in other fruits and vegetables. The VC content in a medium size papaya can satisfy an adult's essential VC demand for two days. In addition, the VE and VB group nutrients in it are great for the growing children and malnourished elders. As for the young and middle-aged who are under huge pressure and suffered from unbalanced diet, they can also benefit from the vitamins and minerals in papaya, such as calcium, iron, potassium and iodine.


主料 materials:黄瓜/1根;a cucumber;木瓜/一个;a papaya;鲫鱼/1000克;1kg of crucian;西红柿/500克;500g of tomato;辅料 ingredients:糖/2克;2g of sugar;盐/10克;10g of salt;姜/30克;30g of ginger;大葱/30克;30g of green onion;小葱/10克;10g of Chinese onion;香菜/20克;20g of cilantro;胡椒粉/1克;1g of pepper;干红枣/6粒;6 dried red dates;食用油/50克;50g of cooking oil;



Remove the gills, guts and scales of the crucian.(Be careful about your fingers!)


Clean the green onion, Chinese onion, cilantro, ginger and dried red dates. Then cut them properly.


Peel and deseed the papaya, then cut it into slices and divide it in half.


Clean the tomato and cut them into slices, too. And divide them in half.


Clean the cucumber and cut it into slices.


Put the crucian into the boiling water for 3 seconds, then peel it.(You need to be extra careful and patient during this step.)


Fry the both sides of the crucian with oil over medium heat.


Pour the 4000g of water into the pot, then add the green onion, Chinese onions, gingers and red dates at the same time, then cook over high heat until the soup turns into creamy white.


Then add the half of the papaya and tomato. Then add cilantro and pepper. Then stew it for another 30 minutes over medium heat.


Filter the soup carefully.


Add the left papaya and tomato when the soup is boiling, stew for 5 minutes.


Season the taste with salt and sugar. Then add the cucumber. After that, you can turn off the heat.


Pour the soup into a bowl and add the chopped Chinese onions and cilantro on the top. Now,let’s enjoy it!

如果觉得图文版不太能够明白的朋友,这里还有荣鼎幼儿园大厨为大家制作的详细视频教程喔If you can't understand how to make this pastry yet, here's a video for you.

