
针刺跷脉穴法与Heel Vessel Acupuncture: 综述与临床应用

2024-02-03 分类:推荐

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“针刺跷脉穴法+Heel+Vessel+Acupuncture”是一种古老的中医疗法,通过在跷脉穴位使用针刺来治疗疾病和改善健康。这种疗法结合了跷脉穴位的特殊特征和针灸的疗效,被广泛应用于中医临床实践中。Heel Vessel Acupuncture是针灸学中的一种技术,能够通过对跷脉穴位进行刺激来调节人体的气血流动,起到促进健康和治疗疾病的作用。这种疗法在治疗各种疾病中都显示出了显著的效果,例如缓解疼痛、促进身体循环等。通过合理的运用跷脉穴位针刺技术,Heel Vessel Acupuncture有望为更多的患者带来健康和舒适。

针刺跷脉穴法,Heel Vessel Acupuncture

1)Heel Vessel Acupuncture针刺跷脉穴法

parison of the PSQI and the Curative Effects of Insomnia Between Mind-tranquilizing Acupuncture andHeel Vessel Acupuncture镇静安神针法与针刺跷脉穴法治疗失眠的PSQI指数与临床疗效比较


parison of the PSQI and the Curative Effects of Insomnia Between Mind-tranquilizing Acupuncture and Heel Vessel Acupuncture镇静安神针法与针刺跷脉穴法治疗失眠的PSQI指数与临床疗效比较

2.Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture Located at Qiao Channel on Peripheral Facial Paralysis;针刺跷脉交会穴治疗贝尔氏面瘫的临床研究

3.Clinical Research of Vertebral Artery Type of Cervical Spondylosis Treated with "Ah is" Set Neck Law Jia Ji Check and Feng Chi针刺风池穴及“阿是”法取定颈夹脊穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效观察

4.Selection of Points in Acupuncture Treatment of Sport Injury;针刺疗法治疗运动损伤时的选穴问题

parision of the Effect of Acupuncture at Different Acupoints on Healthy Adults" Gallbladder针刺不同经脉穴位对健康人胆囊收缩的影响

6.acupuncture technique刺法(针法)(针刺法)

7.Effect of Acupuncture on Governing Vessel and Jiaji Points on the Endogenous Neural Stem Cells Following Injuried Spinal Cord;针刺督脉经穴和夹脊穴对脊髓损伤大鼠神经干细胞的作用

parative Study of Mannual and Electroacupuncture(EA) of ZUSANLI(ST36) Using fMRI;手法针灸与电针刺激足三里穴的fMRI对照研究

9.Transient Effect of Acupuncture Combining with Massage Vibration of Fengchi Points for Abnormality in Vertebral-basilar Artery Flow Velocity by Cervical Spondylosis;针刺配合风池穴指压振颤法对颈椎病椎—基动脉血流速度异常的即时效应

10.The Effects and Its Possible Involved Mechanisms of Synchronized Dual Pulse Gastric Electrical Stimulation and Electroacupuncture on Gastric Motility同步双脉冲胃电刺激及电针穴位刺激的胃动力效应及机制研究

11.The Clinical Study on Treating of Cervical Spondylopathy of the Vertebral Artery Type with Moxibustion with Warming Needle, Acupuncture and Point--Injection;温针灸、毫针刺、穴位注射治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床研究

12.Clinical research survey on methods of scalp acupuncture treatment for apoplectic hemiplegia头穴针刺治疗中风偏瘫针刺方法的临床研究概况

13.The Clinical Research on Acupuncture According to the Time to Treat Periarthritis of Shoulder;针刺时间取穴法治疗肩周炎的临床研究

14.The Clinical Observation of Acupuncture Combined with Abdomen and Back Points on Simple Obesity;前后配穴针刺法治疗单纯性肥胖的临床观察

15.Ankylosing spondylitis cured with acupoint lifting-pinching manipulation accompanied by acupuncture穴位捏提法配合针刺治疗强直性脊柱炎

16.Observation of Effectiveness of Acupuncture Point and Sticking Therapy on Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands针刺穴位加贴敷法治疗乳腺增生病疗效观察

17.Clinical Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture at Four Tian Points in Treating Cervical Spondylosis of Nerve Root Type四天穴针刺法治疗神经根型颈椎病临床观察

18.Clinical Effect of Acupoint Specificity and Acupuncture Manipulation腧穴特异性与针刺手法对临床疗效的影响


acupuncturing the points of Du Channel针刺督脉穴

1.To investigate the mechanism of the treatment throughacupuncturing the points of Du Channel on the spinal cord injury.探讨针刺督脉穴治疗截瘫脊髓损伤作用的机理 方法:1。

3)Back-shu Point/acupuncture-therapy背俞穴/针刺疗法

4)Shu-Mu Acupuncture俞募配穴针刺法

5)The point-to-point therapy/Scalp Acupuncture透穴刺法/头针



针刺1.中国传统医术的一种。以针刺入人体一定的穴位来达到治病的目的。 2.喻尖锐抨击。

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  1. 2024-02-03 21:23Nabula[湖北省网友]
  2. 2024-02-03 21:00诫→漃寞↑[云南省网友]